27 September 2011




1 ekor ayam (dipotong 12 bahagian)
7 biji cili kering
2 biji bawang besar
5 biji bawang putih
serbuk kunyit
sedikit lada hitam kisar


1.Ayam yang telah dicuci diperap dengan garam,serbuk kunyit dan lada hitam
  untuk seketika
2.Kisar cili kering,bawang besar,bawang putih sehinga halus.
3.Panaskan minyak kemudian gorengkan ayam sehingga garing
4.Setelah selesai menggoreng,kecilkan api,keluarkan sedikit minyak dari kuali
5.Tumiskan bahan yang telah dikisar dan besarkan semula api,kacau hingga garing.
6.Kemudiankan masukkan ayam,garam secukup rasa dan gaul rata.
7.Taburkan bawang goreng dan sedia untuk dihidangkan

Sumber:Kafe Azanaz Kelana Jaya


Biryani Rice served with Ayam Sambal,stir fried cabbage with tumeric,
papodoms and fried onion
Price: RM10.00 per set
min order :20 sets/packets(take away)

*The above picture was from prevIous order.Thank you Ms.Dee..

25 September 2011

Get Organize In the Kitchen

Here is a short list of guidelines to help you ORGANIZE IN THE KITCHEN:

1. Study your recipe. Make sure you have everything.
2. Have all food  items ready to go. Measured, cut, and prepared
3. Have all necessary cookware and utensils at hand.
4. Have all necessary serving items ready.
5. Clean as you go! It's impossible to work in a mess!
Put this technique to work for you, and your kitchen experiences will all be a pleasure!

Kitchen Tips 2

1.To clean wooden cutting boards, once a week rub them with baking soda, then spray on full strength white vinegar. Let sit for 5 minutes, then rinse in clear water. It will bubble and froth as these two natural chemicals interact.
2.Too salty: Add cut raw potatoes to soups or vegetables and then discard once they have cooked and absorbed the salt.
3.If you've over-sweetened a dish, add salt.
4.A slice of soft bread placed in the package of hardened brown sugar will soften it again in a couple of hours.
5.A little salt placed in a frying pan will prevent splattering.
6.Vinegar brought to a boil in a new frying pan will prevent foods from sticking.

7.When scalding milk, first rinse the pan in cold water to prevent sticking.
8.To prevent boil-overs, apply a thin coat of cooking oil around the top of the inside of pots.
9.To keep a bowl steady while you mix or whip ingredients, place it on a dampened cloth.
10.To chop or grind nuts fine in a food processor without turning them into nut butter, add 2 or more tablespoons sugar from the recipe.

Kitchen Tips 1

1.To determine if an egg is fresh, immerse it in a pan of cool, salted water. If it sinks, it is fresh; it it rises to the
surface, throw it away.
2.Fresh eggs' shells are rough and chalky; old eggs are smooth and shiny.
3.To determine if an egg is hard-boiled, spin it. If it spins, it is hard-boiled. If it wobbles, it is raw.
4.Egg shells can be easily removed from hard-boiled eggs if they are boiled in salty water and quickly
 rinsed in cold water.
5.Bring eggs to room temperature before cooking. This helps prevent cracking due to the sudden shock
of temperature change and ensures a properly cooked egg. If you do use eggs right out
of the refrigerator, add a minute or two to the cooking time.
6.To easily peel hard boiled eggs, drain them and then shake the pot vigorously so shells crack really well,
then cool them quickly in cold water. The shells practically fall off.


1.To keep some cheeses such as Cheddar fresher, spread a thin layer of butter on the surface.
 It will retain it's moisture and flavour much better.
2.Store cheese in your refrigerator, which approximates the temperature of cheese aging rooms.
With the exception of blue-veined cheeses, which should be wrapped in foil (preferrably their own),
keep it wrapped tightly in plastic. Air helps mold grow on cheese. If you do get a little mold on the
outside, just cut it off.
3.When melting cheese for best results, bring cheese to room temperature before melting. Melt cheese
over a low heat to help prevent toughening of the proteins and separation of oils and liquid.
4.Most ripened or aged cheese is low in moisture content and can be frozen without drastic flavour and
 texture changes. Thaw slowly in the refrigerator for 24 hours or more. If frozen for several months,
 the cheese may dry out somewhat and become crumbly when thawed.
5.Cheese is best served at room temperature with some fruits after the main course